On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> On 19-Aug-99 Allan Rae wrote:
> > On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Allan Rae wrote:
> >>
> >> There is a major problem with lyx handling of custom paper sizes when
> >> exporting to postscript.  In fact, LyX exports to the default paper size!
> >> If I run from the command line "dvips -o out.ps -T5.5in,8.5in out.dvi"
> >> then the exported ps file uses statement paper:  provided you've setup
> >> dvips' config.ps first otherwise you still get your default paper.
> > 
> That's the problem because I didn't use this. Are you sure dvips does not
> give an error if you specify this custom flag and there is no support for
> it? But I think this should work better the it does now. I wasn't aware of
> this flag when I made the paper-handling :)

If there is no support for the custom size (ie. it can't match it to
Statement) then it switches to using the default papersize from config.ps.
There is a warning to this effect.

> What big problems? Is there an error? If you select Default I think this
> is the LaTeX default paper-size and you shouldn't define ANY papersize!!!
> And I think this is what happens.

see below...

> > This happens because use_geometry is still set we don't add a papersize
> > option to the \documentclass{...} entry.  However, we don't set a
> > papersize for geometry either since it falls through the papersize switch.
> > I'm adding a switch(lyxrc->default_papersize) to cover this.
> I don't think we need this entry. The default is a explained above the
> LaTeX default!


If you have:


in your latex file then geometry takes over and says the page size is 0pt
wide and 0pt high.  Then latex spends a day and half filling your .log
file with warnings that everything is overfull!

The only way to use the LaTeX default is to not use geometry.sty -- but
the user has got settings that require geometry.sty so run into this

> That's it! Custom sizes are only valid if you select "Custom" from the
> Paper-Layout-Dialog explicitely and IMO this should stay like this.

The trouble is/was even that much wasn't properly working.

Allan. (ARRae)

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