On 19-Aug-99 Allan Rae wrote:

>> I don't think we need this entry. The default is a explained above the
>> LaTeX default!
> NO!!!

I still think YES :)

> If you have:
> \documentclass[]{article}
> \usepackage{geometry}
> \geometry{verbose}

And geometry still inherits the default latex-papersize! (This is what
it does on my box at least ;)

> in your latex file then geometry takes over and says the page size is 0pt
> wide and 0pt high.  Then latex spends a day and half filling your .log
> file with warnings that everything is overfull!

This is not true (at least on my box!)

> The only way to use the LaTeX default is to not use geometry.sty -- but
> the user has got settings that require geometry.sty so run into this
> problem.

Why it was a user option to use geometry he just has to shut it off!

>> That's it! Custom sizes are only valid if you select "Custom" from the
>> Paper-Layout-Dialog explicitely and IMO this should stay like this.
> The trouble is/was even that much wasn't properly working.

Your're right only the LaTeX part was working properly, as I told you before
I didn't know about the -T flag so this change is VERY welcome #:O)

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60                        Tel:    +39-0471-450260
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Life is like a sewer.  What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
                -- Tom Lehrer


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