On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

> If you try to design your library in C using OO techniques then you will
> probably find it becomes considerably less useful and maintainable than if
> you implemented it as C++ and provided a simple wrapper interface in C.

My code is in C++.  The wrapper interface will be in C but it will be
a bit more than a wrapper as I want it also to resort to using Ispell if
Aspell is not available to increase portability.  This is where I want
LyX team help. Provide the ispell part.  Naturally this wrapper will be a
separate library that is not part of aspell and should be small enough
that programs that want to use it can include it with there distribution.

> I'm no expert in wrapping code so you might like to consider approaching
> the KDE and gtk-- teams for suggestions about writing in C++ and providing
> a thin C wrapper.  If you do so you should also include the draft of the
> spellchecker classes that you came up with last year as a possible
> interface so they have some idea of what you would be doing.

Actually I just sent an email to the g++ mailing list about this....

> As part of your plan for spell-checker world domination would you be
> making a library implementation of aspell?  If so that might be the best
> interface to start with since it would be more elaborate than ispell would
> require.  Then you'd only have to figure out how to wrap the C++ with C.
> It's got to be easier than the reverse.

Um, absolutely.  Aspell IS a library, but, it is undocumented because the
library is in a constant state of flux.  I seam to redesign a major part
of it with each new release.  I am really hopping things will settle down

Sorry if I was massively unclear.

Kevin Atkinson

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