Am 17.06.2011 01:13, schrieb Marcus Kriele:

I don't understand. If the current classes support this, we must support it 
too. Older versions
don't use optional arguments and are therefore still compilable.
These LaTeX classes have always supported optional arguments but the LyX 
layouts did not. In my
testing I got the impression that correcting this issue could prevent old 
documents from compiling
if they use the ERT work-around.

They will still be compilable. Note that our policy is that we don't care about TeX code (ERT). If a user use a short title in his old file without removing the corresponding TeX code, it is his problem.

I had the issue that I tried to import a LaTeX document that used 
"\sidecaption[t]". The optional
argument "[t]" was interpreted as text. This import error may be hard to 
notice. The LyX document
compiles but obviously not as intended.

OK, but then you found a general tex2lyx bug that needs to be fixed. tex2lyx should make the whole command "\sidecaption[t]" as TeX code. Can you please report this bug in our bugtracker?

regards Uwe

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