Am 22.06.2011 04:05, schrieb Marcus Kriele:
I have not tested the files yet but I have looked through your changes.
You find them now all here:
I find some of these changes problematic as they impair functionality: 1) You have replaced the theorem type environments by the standard theorem include file, in which theorem-like environments are defined via \newtheorem.
No, I have not done this because this won't compile and the springer classes define their own theorem environments. Where do you see that I have done this? I also wrote you about my solution in the last mail. So I'm a bit confused now.
2) Springer provides two different solution environments, "sol" and "solution", in their classes smono.cls and svmult.cls.
I will add "solution" when I review the new layout and include for svmult. Currently, these files are only reviewed for svmono and svjour. ("sol" is also possible for svmono (it compiles) but the output consists of question marks and "sol" is not used in the offical template, only "solution".)
The environment "sol" appears to be preferred and generates a counter (without any additional label) while the environment "solution" provides the label "Solution" together with a counter. Consequently, the styles "Sol" and "Solution_(theorem-like)"
But your LaTeX code you created via the layout file was for both environments the same. That's why I removed one of them. It was a bug in your layout.
As said, I will re-add it for svmult.
Our existing template files do not correspond closely to the official example files. Having said that, the official example files are not very useful as they do explain latex specific constructs that are not interesting for LyX users but do not explain all environments provided by the class file.
I removed the LaTeX-specific stuff. As far as I can see the templates from Springer use all possible environments and commands. Environments that are not used, should probably not be used for contributions to Springer because they might only be defined for compatibility reasons to older files. Note that our template files are designed to start with them new files and therefore don't explain things that are not used in the official templates.
I think that the new files are now explaining everything an author needs to know to write e.g. a book with svmono.
What environment you think is missing in the new template files? (I have not listed every possible theorem environment because this is not necessary - the user will get the idea from the 3 examples I have in the files.)
My test files might be more useful as a template as they show all environments and commands in action.
I don't understand. What is missing in the new templates files? The new template files are almost the same as yours. Besides this, in your files you were not following the official templates which will cause troubles. For example Springer wants a book as separate file for each part. Therefore they are using subdocuments in their template. This concept is standard for books. For the same reason as Springer our thesis template uses subdocuments too. I therefore created a LyX file for every document part. The main document is the template file "svmono_bbook.lyx". The other LyX files in the folder are the subdocuments.
Please note that I have not defined any environment or command that is not provided in the corresponding Springer class file.
The new template files of course also follow this rule. If you find an issue were this is not the case, please tell me and I will correct this.
So to clear out your concerns, please give the new template files a try and report back. thanks and regards Uwe