Am Montag, 23. November 2015 um 16:38:20, schrieb Guenter Milde 


> >> Up to here, I hope we can agree.
> > Partly. I made the comments where I think it should be more precise.
> Which of the follwing is true?
> a) whether a combination of document, output format, and scripted changes
>    is tested or ignored is decided at configuration time,


> b) this cannot be changed (add or skip certain combinations)
>    when running the test suite,

But you can select anything from the created tests.

> c) it is not possible to list "ignored tests"?

Not possible. Totally unknown to ctest.

So a), b) and c) are true.


>>  suspended is subset of reverted (and therefore inverted).
> > nonstandard is subset of all exports (but ignored)
> I want suspended tests to be *ignored*, because running
> them does not tell us anything about regressions.
> It doesn't make sense to expect a defined result here.
> IMO, suspended test should become a subset of "ignored" - not run normally
> but only on special request.

Now it's time to make something clear.
Possible tests which make no sense are grouped into a set _I_ named 'ignored'.

Test which always fail (independent of system they are running on) are grouped 
in a set _I_ named 'reverted'.

Nonstandard seems to be uncontroversial.

Reverted tests which are expected to fail for a long time are grouped into a 
set _I_ named 'suspended'
That way these tests could be run less often.

This all is probably not good naming.
Maybe you could propose different names?

> > Nonstandard test should not be part of reverted.
> > (and cannot be, even if regex from revertedTests signals otherwise)
> > It doesn't make sense to expect defined result here.
> True.


> > So after update of, say luatex, we could use 'ctest -R "dvi3|pdf5"' to
> > check if any relevant tests changed its compilation result.
> Does this mean, with 'ctest -R texF' you can also test *ignored* tests?
> How does this relate to "Everything ignored cannot be tested."?

Of course not. Ctest does not know ignored possible tests.


> > That is not possible. All messages go to
> > Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log. One has to extract them from there
> > after the test(s) is/are run.
> OK. But it should be possible to do this extraction in a post-processing
> script or a wrapper.



> > Yes, suspended/reverted tests are waiting for success.
> Not all reverted tests are waiting for success. There are combinations of
> document + output format where we must ensure that export fails (because
> we know for sure it cannot work and otherwise this would be a hidden
> failure).

True. With 'waiting' I meant we want to know when something changes.

> > You didn't mention tests which works on some systems but not on others.
> I don't want any output about them after a "normal" test run.

So do I.

> Günter

Sorry for not being good enough in making good and understandable names.


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