2010/9/27 Gregory Jefferis <jeffe...@gmail.com>:
> On 2010-09-25 06:51, "Jose Quesada" <ques...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried Gobby. it's as simple as notepad, so for serious programming/writing
>> it'd feel a bit limited. But the deal breaker is no undo. Yes, you hear that
>> right. I think Gobby is actually feature-wise worse than in-browser
>> alternatives.
> For anyone who wants to do real time latex editing, then I have come across
> two possibilities.
> 1) SubEthaEdit
> as already mentioned, really nice collaborative editing for many users,
> simple to setup, fairly simple latex mode, macosx only, commercial
> 2) Eclipse + Texlipse + Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) and in
> particular the DocShare plugin.
> basic collaborative editing, appears to be limited to 2 people, a bit of a
> pain to setup, good latex support, cross-platform, open source
> ECF provides an example of how building a collaborative editor can be
> layered on top of existing work.  See:
>    http://wiki.eclipse.org/RT_Shared_Editing

For completeness,

http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CollaborativeEditing describes
collaborative editing possibilities in emacs. I tried Rudel just for
fun, but couldn't get it to work, seems a bit rough around the edges.
I guess multi-tty is the best method, similar to sharing a GNU Screen
session (which would also work for collaboration in VIM or any
terminal-based editor), but I think one would have to be very trusting
of collaborators to do that...

best regards,

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