On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On 08/13/2012 06:11 PM, Jane Shevtsov wrote:
>> Just to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid: the instructions say to
>> put the cursor after the blue number in the enumerate-resume environment and
>> choose Insert > Short Title. There's actually a gap between the number and
>> the cursor, right?
> So you are trying to add a "short title" in the enumerate-resume
> environment? In that case, the patch Guenter had posted doesn't address this
> issue, but rather something to do with Labeling.
> If you look at enumitem.module, you'll see that it explicitly sets
> OptionalArgs to 0 for the Enumerate-Resume environment. This is because we
> are in effect forcing the short title to be "resume", which we have to do to
> get the numbering to resume. There's no way at present to add anything else
> to the short title.
> Where are these instructions you mentioned?

The instructions I refer to are the ones at
<http://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/Enumitem>. The relevant part is:

"Start your list, break it to insert some text, then start the list
again. This will restart the numbering a 1. Place the cursor after the
1., Select Insert>Short Title and put start=x in the red box, where x
is the number you wish to restart the list at. Instead of start=x you
can just type resume and it will resume the numbering."

When I tried this, Insert > Short Title was grayed out. I googled the
problem, which led me to Guenter's patch.


Jane Shevtsov, Ph.D.
Mathematical Biology Curriculum Writer, UCLA
co-founder, www.worldbeyondborders.org

"In the long run, education intended to produce a molecular
geneticist, a systems ecologist, or an immunologist is inferior, both
for the individual and for society, than that intended to produce a
broadly educated person who has also written a dissertation." --John
Janovy, Jr., "On Becoming a Biologist"

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