On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 4:29 AM, Jane Shevtsov <jane....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did that, but it doesn't help. I still can't use Insert Short Title,
> despite restarting Lyx.
Not sure that it's needed here, but did you Tools > Reconfigure?


> I'm running Lyx 2.0.3 on Windows 7. Here's what the relevant part of
> my enumitem.module file now looks like.
> Input stdlyxlist.inc
> Style Labeling
>         LatexName             elabeling
>         OptionalArgs          1
>         # FIXME This should probably be defined using \newlist instead
>         Preamble
>         % labeling-like list based on enumitem's description list with
>         % mandatory second argument (label-pattern):
>                 \newenvironment{elabeling}[2][]%
>                 {\settowidth{\lyxlabelwidth}{#2}
>                         \begin{description}[font=\normalfont,style=sameline,
>                                 leftmargin=\lyxlabelwidth,#1]}
>                 {\end{description}}
>         EndPreamble
> End
> --
> -------------
> Jane Shevtsov, Ph.D.
> Mathematical Biology Curriculum Writer, UCLA
> co-founder, www.worldbeyondborders.org
> "In the long run, education intended to produce a molecular
> geneticist, a systems ecologist, or an immunologist is inferior, both
> for the individual and for society, than that intended to produce a
> broadly educated person who has also written a dissertation." --John
> Janovy, Jr., "On Becoming a Biologist"

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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