The CPLD load is coded April 24, 2011 (no rst). The REX SW version is 4.9.

On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 5:25 PM, Georg Kaeter <> wrote:

> Is there an opportunity to get at least 3 of the "new REX" ? I would like
> to update my M100 and  2 M102 with REX (I've already one running in my
> M200).
> Additional question:  What Revision you're using for the generic
> programming?
> Regards
> Georg
> Am 30.09.2017 21:08 schrieb "Gregory McGill" <>:
>> woohoo!  good job Josh!! my 3 months of procrastination pays off :D
>> Greg
>> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 8:26 AM, John R. Hogerhuis <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 5:22 AM Josh Malone <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Success! I have a working REX built from the parts Greg sent. Turns out
>>>> that my 102 has no memory issues -- rather, CoolTerm was being stupid about
>>>> flow control and probably corrupting the transfer when I tried to load
>>>> TSDOS before. The CPLD programming went swimmingly and the REX flashing was
>>>> super easy thanks to mComm for Android (thanks Kurt!)
>>>> Now I see what all the buzz is about with the REX. This is an awesome
>>>> product Stephen! I can't wait to build more of them.
>>> Congratulations Josh. The more people that can build a REX the better.
>>> Club100 is us. It was even when Rick was minding the store, but now even
>>> more so.
>>> -- John.
>>> -- John.

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