I am flattered that I made you think; that's the highest of  
compliments, thank you.  It seems to me that the system is bass- 
ackwards.  Instead of saying "what do you need?" and gently showing  
you how you can assist yourself, in other words assisting you to not  
need assistance, they say "this is what you need and this is the  
assistance you will need to get it."  It's like pulling a cart by  
putting the horse behind it.  Then, when the horse dies, the cart's  
still there on the road and you've no idea which end you should be  
at... Or something.  Wow.  Mixed metaphors, sorry. :)

When I wanted a music career in my 20's, and was doing club gigs a few  
times a week and making a name for myself in the Boston area, I asked  
Rehab in Mass. to help me go to Berkelee school of music.  I had  
already applied and been accepted, but needed funds to attend.  They  
said, literally, "We feel that a music career is too risky for you to  
get assistance; we'd rather you try medical transcription or something  
more proven..." etc.  As a result, I did not go to Berkelee, did not  
have as much of a career as I could have.  This is an example,  
admittedly a biased one, of how the assistance given to blind people  
is at the whim of the sighted and what they think is best; as long as  
there's a baby-sitter telling us what we need, how can we ever learn?   
At 40 I'm still behind in social skills, work skills, lots of basic  
stuff that I had to teach myself, or get reluctant sighted people to  
teach me, because I wasn't in control of the assistance I got...

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:


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