Hi Andy,

Thank you for explaining all of this. I did not realize the "refugee
crisis" played such a big role in the choices made. I sincerely
appreciate the explaination and will follow the proceedings more
carefully. The news reporters in the U.S did not explain the entire
matter well enough -- most likely because they, themselves, do not
understand how the UK's politics works or the huge impact. All the
reporters seem to be obsess about is the global market. Not once did I
hear the refugee matter being discussed in detail.

I'm glad Scotland has open borders. And yes, I agree that nations
should act together to help other nations prevent wars and refugee


On 6/24/16, Andy <meikle.ai...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> hi Vaughn.
> It really sounds crazy, but last nights vote has taken all of the UK's four
> nations, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England, out of Europe without
> Scotland having it's say.
> Hardly anyone in the UK  would have put money on Brittan leaving the
> European Community last night, so to be honest, we did not see it coming,,
> until we woke this morning.
> To be fair on England, they have had more than their shair of refugees and
> this is causing terrible problems in a local sense, regarding, housing,
> medical care, education and so on.  The English therefor, are too some
> extent justifyed in expressing their concerns with this diminished lack of
> local provision, but in doing so makes them look heartless and uncaring, as
> many of these refugees are coming from the middle east.  A problem I may add
> of our Governments own making.
> This represents very poor forward planning from our polititions, who will
> enter into conflict and not give a thought to the future commitments or
> responsibilities of their actions
> On the opposing side  however, my First Minister, Miss Nicola Sturgen, is
> welcoming all new comers to Scotland as do I as we need professional young
> staff to run this country, after we are gone, so all are welcome.
> Very best wishes.
> Andy.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Vaughn Brown" <jazzdress...@gmail.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 8:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Brexit, wishing our friends across the pond well
> Andy,
> This conversation has been fascinating to me from a historical pointof
> view -- and it sounds like the Scottish are not pleased with
> Britain politically speaking. Who cares about the golf course? That
> trip of his made me upset. But American ignorance aside, educate us on
> how Scottish is impacted. It seems to me that Scotland is still part
> of Europe but that Britain has left the union. I understand the world
> financial influence. When I think of the UK, or Great Britain, I think
> of England, Wales, and Scotland. With Scotland's not wanting to
> divorce from the EU, what does this mean? And what about Wales?
> It sounds like England was the one to dodge out.
> Thank you for the education and clarification.
> Vaughn
> On 6/24/16, Andy <meikle.ai...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm Scottish and a proud European and a proud member of this and other
>> lists
>> , concerned with the blind community , which include all of my friends in
>> Britain America, Canada and Australia.
>> Can I please assure you all that Scotland did not vote last night to
>> leave
>> Europe!
>> In Scotland we have 32 Local Authorities and each returned a vote to
>> remain
>> with in Europe.  That's Leave 0 votes, Remain 32 votes, to keep things as
>> they are, which represents 62 % of our voting community, so pleas, to my
>> American friends, don't be Trumpted with this rubbish, the result was a
>> vicctory for my little country..
>> However, little Scotland is only  a quarter of the UK and it seems that
>> almost every one else voted to leave.
>> I'm a proud Scot, a British resident and until yesterday, a equally proud
>> Euro pean.
>> Today, Well I’m gutted.  I'm no longer considered, against my will,  to
>> be
>> European as I've been dragged out of this relationship by my English
>> naibours and I find myself Scottish and Brittish only once more..
>> To be honest because of the treachery from Westminster, I've turned my
>> back
>> on Brittan and declare that I'm Scottish and only Scottish and proud of
>> it
>> and have lifted the flag for Independence again.  I intend to volunteer
>> to
>> work voluntary with the Scottish National Party and intend to work flat
>> out
>> to help us make our country remain as a part of Europe, and continue to
>> welcome all workers and visitors from all over the world to make the
>> Scottish Experience a reality for them, and above all, an enlightened and
>> valuable experience for them.
>> Donald Trump has today, on the shores of Scotland expressed his delight
>> that
>> the UK has voted to leave the EU.
>> He's daft.  He expressed his feelings in a country that is devastated
>> with
>> the result of last nights vote.
>> Does he have no P. A. staff:
>> Surely, before opening his big fat mouth "again" he would have checked
>> the
>> beach to make sure there was a safe landing for him and his cronies.
>> But this is Donald.  This is the future with Scotland forced into turning
>> her back on friends and collegues in Europ with Donald Trump as the most
>> powerful man in the world.
>> As for me, I’m Scottish and like many of my American and Canaidian
>> friends,
>> I’m very proud of my country and heritage and I'm sure you will agree,
>> that
>> there is nothing wrong with that!
>> No matter the future, I will remain very much part of our very special
>> blind
>> community and I’m proud of that also.
>> So thanks guys and thanks for thinking of little Scotland at a time of
>> turmoile.
>> We will always be friends in this small blind community of ours, and
>> that's
>> a promise, so please fink of us in your thoughts tonight.  Our special
>> relationship goes back to the war of independanse and valuable and not to
>> be
>> tossed aside by the likes of Trump!
>> Very best wishes as always.
>> Andy Logue from Kilcreggan Scotland.
>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>   From: Kawal Gucukoglu
>>   To: Macvisionaries
>>   Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 2:04 PM
>>   Subject: Re: Brexit, wishing our friends across the pond well
>>   So today, I have very anxious feelings of what will be for Britain
>> next?
>>   Scotland wishes to leave and may be we get the reunification for
>> Ireland
>> so where does this leave the rest of the UK, England and Wales?
>>   I just hope inflation and interest rates will not rise and present
>> risks
>> to our livelihoods.  I deplore British citizens saying that this vote was
>> worth people losing their jobs.  I have been feeling very emotional and
>> upset because of some selfish people in society.  I voted to remain like
>> I
>> said and on TV at the moment there are those who are still arguing as to
>> what happens next and the rest of the EU saying that there will be
>> consequences.  How can the world heal, come together and be more
>> tolerant?
>> Then Mr Trump changing his tune to fit the circumstances.  American are
>> also
>> in some difficulty as the Democrats had a sitting in congress to get gun
>> laws but the republicans say no so there is no unity in the world and at
>> present I am worried about how things will pan out for the world.  Sorry
>> this is pessimistic but I live for the long term and not the short.  I am
>> a
>> deep person and take seriously the world’s problems to heart.
>>   Kawal.
>>     On 24 Jun 2016, at 13:05, CHUCK REICHEL
>> <soundpicturerecord...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>     Hi Scott,
>>     Sorry to hear about your loss. :(
>>     As for England I also will raise a frosty mug of Sam adams and
>> celebrate
>> and wait till "november" here in the USA for the same!
>>     GOD Bless America!
>>     Home of Apple! :)
>>     Talk soon
>>     Chuck
>>     On Jun 23, 2016, at 11:58 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>       Well I’ve been riveted watching this all day, I’m going on 24 hours
>> here, it’s also a welcome distraction to some really really bad stuff
>> happening on my family level right now so forgive me if I use your
>> country’s
>> politics as a distraction.:)  My grandmother oddly enough who is the
>> connection to Britain for me passed after 96 years on this rock and it’s
>> all
>> closing in on me now that I am only one of 3 left in our family and the
>> other 2 are on the shorter end of their lives than longer so I’m feeling
>> a
>> bit freaked out and my numbers are dwindling down to 0 so if I get in the
>> weeds you get it.
>>       To give you an idea why I feel such a connection with your country
>> my
>> family on my mother’s side came to this country fairly recently.  My
>> grand
>> mother and grand father came over to this country on boats I believe
>> before
>> world war 2 and settled on the east coast as well as Detroit.  My great
>> Grand father, mother’s grand father actually worked on your crown jewels.
>> I
>> have jewelers drawings hand made by him used to create some of the items
>> in
>> your tower of London today.  I’ve frequently thought about giving them to
>> one of your museums if you’d have them but I have no idea their value or
>> if
>> they represent any thing special to the British people or even what or
>> who
>> should have them.  It’s this man’s daughter, my grand mother who passed
>> this
>> morning.  She taught me so much about your part of the world from your
>> money
>> to telling me stories about my cousins who I don’t know but sell fruit in
>> fruit stands somewhere in London or another husband and wife relation of
>> ours who I met once years ago and don’t know exactly how they fit but
>> they
>> own a sweater company in Scotland.  I remember these people coming to
>> visit
>> us and my Grand Father who is from Whales loved taking them to sites
>> around
>> the north east US where we americans beat back the British during the
>> Revolution.:)  He loved giving the English side of our family a real
>> ribbing
>> about the revolution when they would come to visit. In the same breath
>> though, my grandfather served during World War II and I know always
>> talked
>> about the Brits he served proudly with.
>>       I say all this because I’m not the only one.  So many of us have
>> such
>> connections to your island.  So understand when you say all in together
>> and
>> all that, I consider very much we folks on both sides of the pond on the
>> same team.
>>       BTW, BBC and ITV just called it in favor of leaving  I’m shocked
>> but
>> you’ve definitely made things interesting over here.  Your vaporizing my
>> financial holdings as I watch this, thanks guys☺, but I’m in, I wish we
>> could shake off our oppressive federal government like you all just did
>> the
>> EU.  The rebel in me feels a real connection to your side right now.  Not
>> for racial reasons, not for fear of any group but for self determination,
>> self rule, beating back the huge corporate and global interests that do
>> not
>> have your country’s best interest at heart.  I know the economic
>> arguments
>> made against you leaving and I say bunk.  You’re a strong country, you do
>> not need the approval of brussels to get through your day.  The UK alone
>> is
>> a massive economy, thankfully you never wrapped your self in the Euro so
>> your pound will carry on.  I will buy many of your pounds when they tank
>> over the next few days because the fears are irrational and I will do
>> well
>> as will you all doubling down on yourselves.
>>       So folks in Florida or Texas, if you wish to break away from the
>> union
>> let me know, I’ll move down and join you.:)  I feel like blasting dixie
>> and
>> blasting a few hundred rounds in the air in celebration of someone,
>> finally,
>> beating back the powers of globalization and centralization of regulation
>> with out representation.  In stead so I don’t get labeled a racist or
>> arrested for making to much noise or being armed in the US I will hoist a
>> cold one in your country’s honor.
>>       To my Grand Mother Jean and to the fine people of Britain, stay or
>> leave, way to go!  Nicely done and all that on all counts. I drink a Sam
>> Adams beer from the Boston Brewing company in your honor.  The irony is
>> not
>> lost on me nor is it lost o nme that I’m siding with the tories.:)
>>       And the associated press just called it and someone is pounding on
>> Borris Johnson’s door trying to wake him up.  Great stuff!
>>       CNBC just called it in favor of leave also.
>>       Wow, I’m shocked!
>>       On 6/23/16, 6:11 PM, "Sabahattin Gucukoglu"
>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com on behalf of listse...@me.com> wrote:
>>       Mmm, your president does seem to have quite a fascination with
>> teats,
>> doesn’t he? :)
>>       Regardless, I imagine his comments did more to inflame the
>> Brexiters
>> than to encourage the Bremainers.  But, as it happens, I too hope to
>> remain.
>>  The worst part about it is that it’s based more or less purely on
>> pragmatism rather than principle: the far-right government now in power
>> will
>> only use Brexit to lurch even further to the right, without our
>> delightful,
>> if meddlesome, friends in Brussels to prevent them by (undemocratically,
>> it’s true) arriving at sensible and socially just policy decisions on the
>> merits.  The hypothetical independent state of Britain, in a climate of
>> establishment neoliberalism and first-past-the-post voting, seems
>> distantly
>> unlikely.  And as a believer in more EU unification in any event (Turkish
>> parents), I can’t say I feel too bad about that.  Better together, and
>> all
>> that jazz. :)
>>       Still, I do wonder what that hypothetical Britain, under the rule of
>> a
>> democratically elected liberal government, would look like.  It’d be
>> cosy,
>> but would it make me happy?  Initially, probably.  Maybe we could make it
>> work at the negotiating tables where decisions are made.  But I’d feel
>> bad
>> for the other EU member states, and the project.  We’d be turning away
>> everything it, and all of the men, women and children in its member
>> states,
>> represent.  My individualistic side says it makes no difference as long
>> as
>> I’m living in the exact same country; my squidgy insides say otherwise.
>> No,
>> the EU isn’t a utopia, but by remaining, at least we can fix its faults,
>> which is something a lot of Brexiters seem completely reluctant to take
>> any
>> interest in doing.  And maybe we can one day look forward to a truly
>> united
>> Europe.
>>       So maybe it is about principle, after all. :)
>>       Well, we shan’t have long to find out, at any rate.  About eight
>> hours, in fact.
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> Vaughn Brown
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Vaughn Brown
Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator

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