Just some comments to be more precise in the mentions to Nokia.

On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 21:42 +0200, ext Laurent GUERBY wrote:

(Thanks for the interesting and generous offer)

> Then may be someone Nokia can get an account to and copy (scp/rsync)
> built packages meeting their validation criteria to extra (all
> at the hand of Nokia people).

I can't insist more that we don't want Nokia deciding what goes to
extras. If the community wants us to take part we will be part, but not
leaders and definitely not the single ones deciding.

On the other hand, Nokia wouldn't have either any responsibility over
the people getting accounts, as we are not getting it for the software
hosted in extras.

On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 20:25 +0200, ext Tim Teulings wrote:

(thanks for the long email, interesting summary)

> - Nokia: We want to centralize the development to just make things
>    easier", "simpler" and add service - without compromising the open
>    source idea. (Simplicity, centric)

Centralization doesn't compete with 'the open source idea'. We are
proposing it not because we are Nokia but because we are running maemo
on top of GNU/Linux and .deb packages. Just look at how your preferred
open source software distribution is organized, it is almost a paradox
that most if not all of them are in fact more centralized than maemo. 

> - Nokia: We want to multiply by delegating task to the community
>    (Scalability)

Delegating is not accurate enough. We want to empower the community to
push and promote the software they think is good enough for that.

> * Definition of the meaning quality in a community that consists of 
> Nokia and the open source community.

The Quality Awareness document is open to improvements and
contributions. We don't want/need to have different docs to define &
measure quality, so whatever idea you have please check it against the
current doc and suggest improvements to it.

> * Since Nokia holds most of the infrastructure I fear Nokia has the 
> burden to supply the technical infrastructure while the community will 
> support the daily work, the rating and the quality assurance.

Fear? If this doesn't sound like a fair exchange then please suggest
fair proposals.

Quim Gil - http://maemo.org

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