On 10/24/07, Neil Jerram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > This is an invitation to resume all previous discussions about "the
> > repository mess" and come up with conclusions and actions. Please read
> > this through and have a say, specially if you are maintaining a
> > repository with maemo packages out of maemo.org
> This all sounds very positive to me.  The only thing I'd add is that
> Nokia/Maemo should consider providing a auto-builder service for Maemo
> packages, such that
> - developers could upload source code packages
> - the autobuilder would attempt to build them, for all supported
>   platforms (gregale, bora and chinook)
> - if everything built successfully, the auto-builder would
>   automatically submit through to the extras-testing repository
> - if there were problems, the auto-builder would email those back to
>   the developer.

Hello Neil,

I agree with your points. I also know we have discussed this all before
it is a sbox2/sbox/mud/oe and the "standard debian build tools" disc.

As far as I am concern I would only thrust packages that where
compiled by somebody trusted by/in the community.

Next to your points I guess there is a huge need for simple packaging
of for example python Apps.

There are also requirement from the open-source/GPL side of things
where you have to be able to deliver the sources of the packages you

For most problems encountered different people found a solutions
The latest and greatest thing I tried was the mamona project. It shows
that it's possible to create a bleeding edge/open-source distro
without the sbox/vmware
for the nokia devices.

http://dev.openbossa.org/trac/mamona (oe based distro)

http://mud-builder.garage.maemo.org/index.php (mud builder)

http://khertan.net/softwares/pypackager.php (PyPackager is a small gui
tool to create debian package on a maemo device)

http://raemo.garage.maemo.org/ (Access a device to perform testing)

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