ext Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:

It was already said that Nokia devices running Nokia provided MeeGo based system will contain closed source components. So far no one told what base meego system contains and how useful it is.

It depends on your intent and goals. I cannot comment on what MeeGo will contain simply because:

- I am not involved in defining the content
- I have no official communication role (yes, i'm using my job email address but I will not make statements)

Judging from current situation I assume that it will be nearly not usable without having N900 connected to charger due to lack of open BME alternative == no charging.

Well, if for you it is good enough to have binary packages added, it probably would be possible. Ask Quim. Even now the userspace driver for the 3D accelerator is closed source (even in Nokia it takes a business reason to see the code: I was the proj manager for it and still i didn't have access to the repo).

Would a mesa implementation be good enough for you? Probably not: it would be better to have text console only than an extremely cpu-intensive and slow sw-renderer.

There are build systems already which provides alternative root filesystems for nokia N900 and all of them suffer more or less due to that.

Again, your problem might be solved by MeeGo or not, based on the content.

However battery charging is very platform specific, while MeeGo deals mostly with parts that aren't.

Worksplit between HW and SW in future products (not only Nokia) will also play a major role.

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