On 2020-01-23 at 11:44 -0700, Raymond Burkholder via mailop wrote:
> I went to log into Youtube, and Google says my device is unknown, and 
> wants to send a confirming text to a telephone number I no longer
> have.
> The email confirmation methods all work, and validate my account.  Yet
> Google persists in requiring a confirmation of a no-longer owned phone
> number.

Ouch. That hurts.

Just to be clear: you do know your password, you just don't have the
same phone number (nor a logged in session).

Google is now very stubborn in requiring a phone-based confirmation.
I have seen that in the case of a shared mailbox, to which several users
have access to. The most prevalent user linked its phone, with the
result that other people is then barred from accessing it unless
authorized by the phone owner. :(
Also, since the account doesn't have 2FA enabled (albeit in practice it
acts as 2FA), it is not possible to create an App password.
Their steps make sense for a single user account, but breaks the flow
otherwise. The safest way to avoid this dance seems to be not to provide
any phone at all (or one for every user, perhaps, which is also

In your case, you can probably get access again through the Account
recovery form: https://accounts.google.com/signin/recovery 

Provide the account password as the 'last password you remember', and
use the secondary mail they have on file for contact. A reason of 'I no
longer have this phone', for number they have not verificated in a long
time, on an account with no sign-ons either, with all that matching data
_should_ be crystal clear imho.

Good luck

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