On 2020-01-26 11:32 a.m., Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jan 2020, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:

Similar thing happened to me recently when I wanted to re-login to one of
those test accounts from my home computer, but I installed a new browser
which was not yet used with that account. Usually there are no problems in such a case, but my home Internet connection just went down that day and I had to switch to a backup connection via cellular modem. Probably because of IP address belonging to a generally-accessible mobile operator's pool, Google behaved differently when I logged in to the account. After I already provided a correct password, Google demanded from me to enter a phone number that can be used for verification (!) and I couldn't successfully complete
the login procedure, because I didn't want to associate any phone number
with that account.

Proving that you can read a text sent to a number you provide today
does not prove that you are the person who used the ID and password yesterday. So they demand you provide a new verification channel so that you can prove your ID *next* time ?

I find these multi-factor verifications unsettling because it takes
a significant effort to convince myself that the verification does
indeed prove what it is supposed to prove and that it is safe from man-in-the-middle.
I have lost enough physical keys over the years to worry about what
happens if I lose my phone (which does not have a finger print reader) ..

I get the feeling this convoluted mechanism with no safe-guards or way-out is less about verification and much more about tracking.

Now I just wish there is a mechanism to just delete the account that I can no longer get into.  Now it is lost to la-la land.

I am who I am, and my email and authentication codes prove it.  Why the continuing demand for further verification which no longer exist?

Hidden in the recovery mechanism is a statement saying is that someone 'may' look into it, given an email address.  Does that actually happen?  Or is that just another add-on to their tracking toolings?

Frustrated with the inhuman machine,

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