In article <> 
you write:
>This type of thing is depressingly common for addresses that are common
>names and such at the major providers. ...

No kidding.  You would not believe (well, you, Brandom sure would) how
many people with names similar to mine believe that my address is their address.  I get all sorts of rather
personal stuff, offers of work for a psychiatrist in Boston, wedding
invitations and tax documents for a druggist in Paris, car repair
appointments for a guy in Phoenix.

The worst of it is that when I tell people that I am not the person
they are looking for, half the time they do not believe me and insist
that I must be that guy, because if I'm not, why did I give them that
address.  In none of the cases have I been able to figure out what the
other people's actual addresses are, probably my name with a number,
but there are a lot of numbers.

At some point I give up and hit the spam button.


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