Dnia 26.01.2020 o godz. 02:30:57 Ángel via mailop pisze:
> The safest way to avoid this dance seems to be not to provide
> any phone at all (or one for every user, perhaps, which is also
> suboptimal).

Not providing a phone number at all also doesn't help sometimes.

As I have already written, when I had Gmail deliverability problems a few
months ago, I created a few Gmail acounts for test purposes. I usually was
able to create these accounts without providing any phone number, as long as
I was using my home Internet connection. But once I tried to create a new
Gmail account from my workplace and Google didn't allow me to create an
account without providing a phone number. And I have to admit, they are very
good at detecting and rejecting numbers from "scratch SMS" services
available on the web (similar to "temporary email", where you can receive a
confirmation code via text message without having a real phone number).
Probably it was because of the fact that there are thousands of Google
users connecting everyday from external IP addresses of my company (apart
from employees' personal Google accounts, our company also uses Gsuite, so
everybody logs in to their Gsuite account) and that's why they require the
additional phone check.

Similar thing happened to me recently when I wanted to re-login to one of
those test accounts from my home computer, but I installed a new browser
which was not yet used with that account. Usually there are no problems in
such a case, but my home Internet connection just went down that day and I
had to switch to a backup connection via cellular modem. Probably because
of IP address belonging to a generally-accessible mobile operator's pool,
Google behaved differently when I logged in to the account. After I already
provided a correct password, Google demanded from me to enter a phone number
that can be used for verification (!) and I couldn't successfully complete
the login procedure, because I didn't want to associate any phone number
with that account.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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