On Wed, 2020-06-10 at 11:20 +0200, Hetzner Blacklist via mailop wrote:
> As far as I know this isn't a bug, it's a feature.
> For the past few years, T-Online have been moving to a system where they
> block all unknown IPs. How exactly they define that is not 100% clear,
> but it seems to be any IPs that haven't recently sent them email.
> So if an IP hasn't sent them email in the recent past, it is
> automatically on their blacklist. By default.
> It's useless for ISPs (like us) to try and contact them to delist IPs,
> they want to hear directly from the admin of the (mail) server.
> They also have fairly strict requirements for delisting an IP.

For what it's worth, T-Online were blocking mail from one of our
discussion-list servers yesterday; but an email ( with log extracts,
explaining the who and what of things) from our postmaster to theirs
requesting the block be lifted was responded to very quickly and
politely - and the block lifted a few hours later.

In short: a stellar response from T-Online. 


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