Likely because I included your IP in a list of examples I sent them.
They replied overnight saying they'd unblock. Even though that's not
really what I was asking for.
Didn't really answer my questions about a misconfiguration or broad
blocking. It does seem as though they just decided to block all mail
until somebody requests that an IP be unblocked.

As far as T-Mobile being stringent about unblocking, this seems to
vary greatly. Perhaps it depends on the reason for the block.

So, I'm going to update my blog post with a suggestion that they block
first and ask questions later and add a shrug for good measure.

Note that T-Online does not use the CSA whitelist (I am reliably
informed that they are not fans), so I suspect that is not a reason
one might be exempt from blocking.

Al Iverson

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 7:29 AM Michael Rathbun via mailop
<> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 10:43:21 +0100, Graeme Fowler via mailop
> <> wrote:
> >I thought I'd do a check on this assertion and it does appear to be accurate.
> I did not contact them (nobody here sends mail in that direction, in any
> event) but just now I get 220 rather than 554.
> mdr
> --
> My study of life and history inclines me to the apothegm "If you insist on
> burning bridges, it is often best to cross them before engaging the
> incendiaries."     --  Shebardigan
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Al Iverson // Wombatmail // Chicago
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