On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 09:29:18 -0500, Al Iverson via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

>Likely because I included your IP in a list of examples I sent them.
>They replied overnight saying they'd unblock. Even though that's not
>really what I was asking for.

Ah.  Thanks for your efforts.  I had briefly entertained the fond hope that
madness had been corrected (or at least restrained).

>Didn't really answer my questions about a misconfiguration or broad
>blocking. It does seem as though they just decided to block all mail
>until somebody requests that an IP be unblocked.

That may be the actual FUSSP.  

>So, I'm going to update my blog post with a suggestion that they block
>first and ask questions later and add a shrug for good measure.

Probably the best one can do under the circumstances.

   "There will be more spam."
      -- Paul Vixie

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