Am 28.12.21 um 11:08 schrieb Alessandro Vesely via mailop:

Yeah, we inevitably fall back to IP address lists.  Perhaps not so much because it's easier to outline a perimeter using numbers than names, but because it's rather immediate to operate on the former.  A set of good names would sound like a meaningful friendly region, immune from changes of ISP.

OTOH, if it were possible to ascribe each nastiness to its actual culprit, we'd still need a policy to treat them effectively.  IME, banning for a period, à la fail2ban, requires too much looking after exceptions.  But allowing to each individual to run a million-email spam act even just once in a lifetime is obviously too much.  I don't think a military approach would do much better.

I'm working on a reputation based system which would use a p2p network to transmit reputation opinions very quickly, allowing each node's policy to decide who to trust and what actions to take.

Transmitted information would consist of "statements" stating something that may or may not be true, and "opinions" signed (pseudonymously) by participants expressing agreement or disagreement with statements (using a range of -3..3). The subjects of statements may be IP ranges (special case is single IP address), AS numbers, domain names, e-mail addresses, URLs, or hashes of such subjects (mostly to protect privacy for exploited e-mail addresses).

Some examples:

 * Statement "spammer(", opinion "certainty=3, 
valid_from=2021-12-28, valid_for=30, signature=xyz"
     o This expresses that "xyz" firmly believes that is a 
spammer. The opinion should be
       considered valid for 30 days starting today.
 * Statement "spammer(", opinion "certainty=-3, valid_from=2021-12-28, 
valid_for=365, signature=vesely"
     o This expresses that is certainly not a spammer
 * Statement "spammer_friendly(AS202306)", opinion "certainty=2, 
valid_from=2021-12-28, valid_for=30, signature=xyz"
     o xyz is fairly sure that the operators of AS202306 don't give a flying 
f*k about spammers on their network
 * Statement "exploited(#Tu6sYF3pYtQFIrKr3Sktx4innT47Jk7jMAHHhsg5ZGU=)", 
opinion="certainty=3, valid_from=2021-12-28,
   valid_for=7, signature=xyz"
     o The resource which hashes to this value is believed to be exploited by 
spammers. The signer assumes that this
       would be fixed within a week.
 * Additional statement types would be more database-like, to help in 
implementing policies and to report abuse:
     o "dynamic()" to maintain a list of dynamic IP address ranges and domains,
     o "asn(IP,AS)" to express that a given IP range belongs to some autonomous 
     o "abuse(IP|Domain,EMail|URL)" to express that abuse complaints for a 
given IP range or domain can be sent to some
       e-mail address or entered into a web form. Negative opinions about such 
"abuse()" statements would state that
       these abuse contacts seem to be non-functional.
     o "signer()" makes it possible to publicly express a network of trust, so if I sign 
a statement "signer(vesely)"
       with a certainty of 2 I state that I consider Alessandro's opinions 
valuable. He may sign the same statement
       with a certainty of 3 unless he doesn't trust his own opinions, which 
would be a bit strange.
 * It should be possible to store private opinions (for example to whitelist 
certain resources) that are meant to
   determine local policy decisions but should not be shared with the network.

Nodes may reject e-mails matching "spammer()" or "exploited()" statements signed by trusted peers, and may temp reject mails matching a "spammer_friendly()" statement or one where there's a majority of bad opinions but not sufficient trust in the signer of these opinions. Temp rejection may be enough to curb a wave of spam emanating from one resource, reducing that million-email spam run to hopefully a few hundred or thousand delivered mails.

This is all at a very early stage, I'm working on the P2P aspect right now, will integrate a milter and/or postfix policy daemon interface next year, and deploy to the systems under my control for testing in a friendly environment. Later on I'll need to harden the P2P network against malicious actors (as the system is intended to be publicly joinable, spammers might want to disrupt its organization) and integrate user friendly management interfaces (a command line interface plus some web stuff).

A spam reporting helper may be a later add-on application. This would utilize the database aspects to decide who to send abuse reports to, and what mechanisms to choose. Think distributed spamcop.

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