Dnia 17.01.2023 o godz. 13:16:03 Paul Gregg via mailop pisze:
> Heads up in case anyone else is experiencing this.
> We are aware of a recent change in behaviour of gmail.com where
> most email is placed directly into Spam folder.
> So far we have dozens of customers reporting this.
> Tested myself with full SPF, DKIM and DMARC with p=reject - which gmail
> itself marks as passing all tests. The mail was also delivered over TLS.
> Mails go to Spam.
> We're trying to reach out to google, but so far have no response.
> We don't think it is just 'us', as reddit r/msp has others reporting
> same from O365 direct to gmail.

Welcome to the club :(

I'm experiencing this for over 2 years. Have written about this on this very
list a few times. Google just suddenly stopped to "like" my domain. I had
no SPF, DKIM nor DMARC at that time (despite this I didn't have any
deliverability problem, including Google). After Google changed something
and started to spam-mark my mail I implemented SPF/DKIM/DMARC (outgoing
only, I don't want to bother with checking this crap on incoming mail). 
Everything passes at Google, but it doesn't help.

However, when I send from exactly the same server, using exactly the same
mail client, only with diferent sender domain, the mails go through. So I
know it's the domain Google doesn't like.

Nothing helps - even when the recipient at Gmail flags my mail as non-spam,
it can happen that next messages from me still go to spam. Even when I REPLY
(!) to a mail I got from a Gmail user, my reply goes to spam, which is
completely illogical. It should be obvious for Google to detect that this is
a reply to a message that was previously sent from Gmail.

I have filled in the "sender troubleshooting form" on Google website
multiple times (you need to provide headers from receiving side of the mail
that was misclassified as spam, so I made myself a test account at Gmail
that I am sending messages to) - however they state in advance that they
won't contact you and inform you whether they did anything or not to your
complaint. Looks like they didn't do anything. I managed to reach Brandon
from Google via this very list, but he said that it just works so and from
their point of view they don't see any reason to change anything. I just
happen to have a domain whose parent domain has a "poor reputation" and I
have to accept it.

I even made a blog post about it some time ago, but it's in my language (ie.
Polish). After that post I was contacted by some other people who are
unlucky to be in the same situation.

Shame on you Google.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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