On 7/12/23 4:11 AM, Slavko via mailop wrote:
BTW, my English is not best, don't take me word by word, please...

I don't think I've had any more trouble understanding you / your use of English as an additional language than I have had with others who use English as their primary language. Different uses of meanings of words happens within languages too.

Perhaps that was goal, but if so, then i much more like the language eg. of RFC5321: ...something "is out of scope of this document".

That works for me.

The only problem here is, that some sites/tools doesn't respects
that broken signarure have to be treated as no signature. But that is
not DKIM's mistake.

I consider / classify that as a problem with a given site's use or configuration of DKIM not a problem with DKIM itself.

Individual DKIM installations and DKIM in general can cause problems. But the former is much more localized to the specific installation while the latter tends to be common across multiple installations.

What is not clear, at least from my point of view, is p=none policy. RFC mention it as way to not enforce any policy, but receive

But what then if DMARC's p=none, no DKIM and SPF fails? Have to be applied SPF result or have to be applied none policy?

In my opinion, if a domain's DMARC has a p=none, then you don't filter on DMARC. But you still independently apply your site's local SPF filtering policy preferably following the sending domain's stated SPF wishes. The only thing that you would do with DMARC is send the notification of the result.

It is not about which action have i to choose. I wonder what one can/have to expect from other sides... Yes i know, their servers,
their rules, thus one can expect relative anything. But no one can
expect anything even on RFC compliant targets...

I think that we should safely expect sites to be largely RFC, or BCP, compliant. I consider that to be the middle of the road and for people to stay on their side of said road.

BTW, i apply pure SPF (+ DKIM) in case of DMARC's p=none.

1) I would expect you to apply SPF independently of DKIM and DMARC if the sending domain publishes SPF records.

2) I would expect you to apply DKIM independently of SPF and DMARC if the message has DKIM headers and the sending domain publishes DKIM information.

3) I would expect you to apply DMARC using the aforementioned SPF and / or DKIM results if the sending domain publishes DMARC information.

A DMARC policy of none simply elides that 3rd step to me.

Of course, i do my best effort to be as interoperable as i can/know.
I consider that as crucial in mixed environment, as Internet is.

Perhaps ISP was not right abbreviation, sorry for that. I meant email
provider, but i want to avoid ESP abbreviation as it is often used
with conjunction of mass mail here.

I think that ISP and ESP are both correct. ISP is probably the older answer with ESP being the newer answer.

As with all things (Internet related) some are abused or used for things we don't like and they can earn an unpleasant meaning. But I believe that Email Service Provider is exactly that, a company that provides email service. What that email service is used for it independent of the fact that it is providing email service.

Yes, there are some very questionable / shady ESPs. But there are still many good ESPs.

IMO we basically agree, that plain text connection over public net
have to be secured. I would consider setting VPN for mail only as too
mutch effort, especially for regular users.

I absolutely agree that using some form of encryption is strongly recommended and that not using encryption is ill advised.

Sure, there are cases when encryption is not needed, eg. i don't
encrypt communication to and ::1, nor over LXC internal
bridge. But my original point was about connections over public and
semi-public networks.

But then nowadays best practices have to mention it.

Yes, encryption of some form is very much so a SHOULD in RFC speak.

But IMO in case of foreign services here is another mean: one cannot
expect, that it will be provided.

That surprises me.

Perhaps other parts of the world have been using TLS, either implicit or explicit via STARTTLS, for so long that they are now no longer offering service without TLS.

My experience has been that unencrypted connections are still offered in the areas where I'm interacting. Usually unencrypted will work close to the service (as in connected to the ISP's network) but may not work further away.

I still people using really old configurations without TLS and ISPs not choosing TLS when helping customers set up new systems.

In some ways, TLS has been viewed as "oh, you're one of the people that want to be really secure", let me get the documents.

The notable exceptions that I've seen are the email oligarchs, some of whom tend to be charging full speed ahead and dragging the rest of us with them even if they are dragging us across rubble and broken glass.

I understand legacy as something to avoid if possible and/or expect,
that it can be not provided by remote side.

I get the avoid part. I don't know that I'd go so far as to say "if possible".

I would expect that if the legacy thing is not provided, it's not even listed as an option.

Sure. By questionable i meant, that i often read about LAN as about
secure environment. Of course, it is more secure than public net. But
eg. in job i didn't consider our LAN as secure network, for warious

I think the LAN is secure in such as physical locality and the ability to connect to it, either physically via cable or wirelessly with proper codes.

Similar to how I think things sitting on my dining room table in my house to be more secure than the same things sitting on the table on my front porch. The house walls (LAN connectivity) provide a barrier and thus some security.

There is also the fact that I will likely not knowingly allow unsavory people to enter my house while I can't keep them from walking onto my porch.

LAN is more about locality.

In some ways, it's on the nose in the name:  /Local/ Area Network.

We are still talking about "best practices", right?

That's a very good and germane qustion.

My words was not meant as to be included in it, but about ponting to what have to be take into account, when writing that practices.
I was responding as to what is strictly required to have email function. The minimum viable product as in what can send and receive email.

I still maintain that encryption is not required to exchange email.

But I absolutely agree that encryption is a best practice and SHOULD be included.

Sure, SMTP, IMAP and/or POP (and many other application layer protocols) will work independly of that if its transport channel is secured or not.

That is the point that I've been trying to make.

That is not the question. The question is who can see
communication content and where the clients will be connected to.

That's an entirely different question with entirely different answers and discussions.

There's everything between someone can't easily read your communications with a sniffer or something like Firesheep all the way to active Monkey in the Middle impersonating things using ... questionable certificates.

AFAIK, the TLS was designed to work independently on upper layer protocols.

I think we are in agreement.

My understanding is that SSL, TLS's predicessor, was originally meant to provide an encrypted transport that the application layer protocol would go on top of unmodified.

Then some time later STARTTLS and the ability to switch from unencrypted to encrypted came along.

Can you please elaborate more about this?

I've seen a LOT more MTA-to-MTA communications not utilizing STARTTLS than I am comfortable with. MTA-to-MTA communications that I would expect to use STARTTLS.

I don't have any data on hand to back up my observations.

My pont was, that DKIM uses keys pair. The certificate, as known eg.
in TLS, is basically public key + couple additional data... AFAIK
these additional data are not used in DKIM, just keys.

I think we are in agreement.

DNS was just example, of protocol where clarification of some terms was done. Take as example this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_path -- how many terms are
used for one thing? Yes, i am aware about them (now), but when
someone starts with email server, he will be confused.


That confusion is one of the reasons why I try to always use my real email address so that people can contact me and ask questions if they want to. -- I believe in helping people learn so that they understand the subject and thus can make their own informed decisions.

And we do not need to go on internet, take "forward" term in another today thread here...


Yes, all MTA roles (except gateway) uses the same protocol. But we
are talking about servers, not about protocol itself. And, as you
already pointed, there are differences eg. on inbound and outbound
servers. And then we have servers who are doing both in one, and then
... and then ...

RFCs are best place to find how exact details have to work, but IMO
are not best place to start with some thing. They are mostly not
writen as guides, they often do not explain things into details, which starter needs.

Agreed. RFCs, like manual pages, are great references. But they are not known as a soft landing / jumping off point to learn something new.

Perhaps i wrote some not proper English words, but IMO we are both
are talking about the same thing.


If you see this as main difference, then you miss a lot of details. Submission changes multiple SMTP requirements, eg. timeouts, allows/requires message modification or requires eg.

I both agree and disagree. There are some differences. But there are a lot more similarities.

Submission often extends the timers. But nothing prevents the primary MTA-to-MTA from also using those same timers. Save for the possible addition of authentication, they still use the same verbs. If anything they are more like different dialects of the same language.

I have even seen where MTA-to-MTA does use authentication.

Despite that Submission uses the same SMTP commands in background, it
is not SMTP.

I disagree.

Remember how submission came about. Submission used to be on the SMTP port. The biggest differences being the addition of authentication and encryption (to protect said authentication). Then at some point the submission role was moved to another port, ostensibly 587 per RFC or 465 w/ TLS per others.

But SMTP and submission roles did share the same IP + port pair and even the same daemon for a long time. They can still share the same IP + port pair today if you want them to.

And there can be host with many (and many) IPv6 addresses on one interface. AFAIK default limit on Linux is 16 addresses, but it can be raised. And with temporary IPv6 addresses one host can have new interface address every couple of secs (and when disables DAD even
more often) without effort... And on remote side one have minimal
chances to see, if that are different hosts or still the same...

I see little difference between IPv4 and IPv6 in regards to your statement.

That was point of my question. IPv6 is not just IPv4 with larger IP space. Differences are not big, bur are here, exactly as in SMTP and Submission.

Save for the mechanics / minutia of how each work, I see IPv4/IPv6 and SMTP/Submission as functionally end-to-end effectively the same.

I can't currently think of anything that I can do with one that I can't also do with the other, both IPv4/IPv6 and SMTP/Submission.

Yes, how it is configured and the commands that are run are somewhat different. But I can still establish host-to-host communications and exchange email on both protocols / services.

Please elaborate on what can be done on Submission that can't be done on SMTP or vice versa.

N.B. my MTA of choice, Sendmail, is EXTREMELY flexible and will quite happily allow me to do whatever I want wherever I want it if I configure it properly.

N.B. I can easily co-habitate SMTP and submission together on the same port without any special configuration.

Yes. Exactly as they will work, despite that if IP is located in BR
or in IN...


I know near nothing about any US Department ;-)

I think you're lucky.


Don't worry, spammers are repeating behalf them, thus in average all
is as expected ;-)

Most of the spam that I see doesn't repeat itself as in queue and re-try delivery. Instead it seems to be a completely separate initiation unrelated to the first.

Or, if it is a spam message that is queued and re-tried, it's likely a message that is passing through an RFC compliant SMTP server that is doing the queueing.

That has the same result as forgetting, they are just ignoring well known fact...

In my opinion, actively ignoring is far worse than not remembering.

As in any other places, there are emails, which must be delivered quickly, and those which can wait, and finally those, which nobody will miss.

IMO Importance of backup MX depends on ratio between these types.
And on ignorance (see above) of other sides. Sure, for many companies
it will takes less money, if they will force others to maintain
backup MX, that to maintain own queue...

It is worth to consider. But on other side, that is only about last
hop (last to reach your system from ouside). Do you  really cannot
sleep just because there can be many hops before, on which that
message is out of your control?

It has more to do with if / when there is a problem with the primary server, the problem can often be resolved and queue processing initiated on backup servers.

I've run into many systems that would (re)try delivery every 4 / 12 / 24 hours. So a 5 minute outage of the primary server could induce a 4 / 12 / 24 hour delay. Conversely if the message made it into a backup MX, I could usually have the message in the mailbox within 15 minutes. Chances are good that many will not notice that the email delayed.

This is also an extension of "I can't fix what I don't control." mentality.

I am not sure now, but i meet word "goodwill" in our financial system. I will guess, that it is something similar, or even the

Yes goodwill is important. But anyway, i didn't find in any business guide mention it- I will guess that it is considered as something as obvious, that it not worth to mention...

Sadly, the bad parts of capitalism seem to be taking quite strong hold here in the U.S.A. as in if it doesn't financially benefit someone, they may very well not do it. Good will hasn't been used to describe many businesses in far too long.

Yes, one can can quantify relative anything. Eg. 1 € is exact amount,
it is exact quantification. But that 1 € has different value for
different people... Does that mena that quantifying money is
pointless? No. That quantification only seems as objective, but it is

In our language my use "to jump under train" (raw translation,
original -- "skočiť pod vlak"). Do you will jump under train, when
most of community will think that you have to do it?

I personally do my own thing. I'll ask people why they are jumping under the train. Many will not answer as they are too busy jumping under the train.

But, many people don't have any control over their email system. Most people use the email oligarchs and they assume that the oligarchs won't listen to their pleas, thus they don't even complain to the oligarch, and instead just complain about it to people around them.

Communities are hard. There are communities of experts, and there
are communities of random people. But there are also communities of
stupids and communities of "bad boys" too. Etc, etc. Which one
community do you mean?


Community can also be locally defined and purposefully nebulous based on the speaker's choice at the time of speaking.

If the suggestions in best practices have to be useful, they must
stay on technical level and avoid vague terms, except of some
suggestions in separate section...

If the best practice is a technical one, I agree.

There are some statements that are best practice in various communities that are quite unpalatable by other communities. Rome and the colosseum and various forms of so called entertainment come to mind.


Thank you and have a good day,

Grant. . . .
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