Once upon a time, Christine Borgia <christine.bor...@shopify.com> said:
> Because it's not a subscription. The person is entering the email address
> where they want their order info to go, and they are entering your email.
> The onus is on that person and not the vendor.

That's a very vendor-centric look at it.  When I get order confirmation,
a your order is being prepped, your order has been picked up, your order
has been delivered emails, what is that but not a subscription to a
series of events that I did not request?  The sender does in fact bear
responsibility - they are the one sending the messages and the only one
that can make them stop.

A few vendors manage to put a "this is not me" link in messages (which
is functionally an unsubscribe, even if you don't want to call it that).

Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net>
mailop mailing list

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