It appears that Scott Q. via mailop <> said:
>Surprisingly, most of the Spam that makes it through these days is
>from Gmail. I'm not sure if they gave up completely on fighting the
>spammers that sign-up but I'm always increasing the score assigned to
>Gmail originating e-mails because of this. 
>99% of them are SEO offers and whatnot, surely it can't be that hard
>to block this type of outgoing message.

I also get a great deal of B2B spam from Google.  While I am no happier about
it than you are, I would not assume it's because they don't care.

I get the spsm to the same ill chosen addresses* over and over so I assume 
is selling spamming kits with a Gmail signup and a list of victims.  Would be 
to figure out who and where they are.


* - I mean, business development spam to the head of an anti-spam
organization with a budget you need a magnifying glass to see? Really?
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