Dňa 15. júla 2024 21:37:07 UTC používateľ Jeff Pang via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>4. Exim has more built-in features such as Dkim and customized transmap, but 
>may be hard to setup correctly

Hard? Sure, it has not click-click configuration, one must know
what he want to setup, and then learn how to setup that, but that
is true for almost any software. Its config language is very flexible
and allows one to setup near anything...

Its built-in functions can do not only DKIM (sign & verify), but SPF,
DMARC, TLS/DANE (thus all modern features) too, beside ťhat it
has support for BATV, SRS, content scanning (malware/SPAM),
AUTH, etc...


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