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Rowan Williams - an Anglican bishop, poet, and theologian (and the current 
Archbishop of Canterbury) does not regard the story of crucifixion "as an 
edifying fable" (and surely not that it "must be recaptured from the mass of 
Pauline falsification").

John Shelby Spong  once accused Williams of being a "neo-medievalist," 
orthodoxy to the people in the pew but knowing in private that it is not true 
... Williams responded: "I am genuinely a lot more conservative than he would 
like me to be. Take the Resurrection. I think he has said that of course I know 
what all the reputable scholars think on the subject and therefore when I talk 
about the risen body I must mean something other than the empty tomb. But I 
don't. I don't know how to persuade him, but I really don't."[Wikipedia]

On 8/13/10 10:40 AM, Shane Mage wrote:
> ...the story that Pullman and Williams treat as an edifying fable rather than
> a historical event ... must be recaptured from the mass of Pauline
> falsification.
> Read critically.

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