Matthias asked,

| Does it hurt my device if I record 9hours
| without a break? Because there is a big DJ Event on a German
| Radio station and I don't want to stay up till 5o'clock in the morning
| for listening to it (I'll set my alarm clock for every 74mins:>)
| I've the famous Sony MDS-JE510 (Japanese Version :>)

The unit ought to be able to record for nine hours (for a Malaysian 510, I
wouldn't be so confident); the only thing is, if you get up only every
seventy-four minutes, no matter how quickly you spring out of bed and get
over to the 510 (or no matter how quickly you reach for the 510 if it's next
to your bed), there's going to be time to write the TOC of the disc that
you're about to remove, time to switch discs, and time for the 510 to read
the TOC of the new disc.  If you do that during a break or a commercial, no
big deal, but if they are in the middle of something you want to hear you can
miss thirty seconds of it to do a disc switch.

Best thing would be to borrow a second recorder, and do something like this
schedule, starting just before 8 PM:

1959: insert disc 1 in unit 1
2000: start recording disc 1, insert disc 2 in unit 2, listen 73 minutes
2113: start recording disc 2
2114: disc 1 fills; eject disc 1, insert disc 3 in unit 1, listen 72 minutes
2226: start recording disc 3
2227: disc 2 fills; eject disc 2, insert disc 4 in unit 2, nap 72 minutes
2339: start recording disc 4
2340: disc 3 fills; eject disc 3, insert disc 5 in unit 1, nap 72 minutes
0052: start recording disc 5
0053: disc 4 fills; eject disc 4, insert disc 6 in unit 2, nap 72 minutes
0205: start recording disc 6
0206: disc 5 fills; eject disc 5, insert disc 7 in unit 1, nap 72 minutes
0318: start recording disc 7
0319: disc 6 fills; eject disc 6, insert disc 8 in unit 2, nap 72 minutes
0431: start recording disc 8, sleep until morning

That way you'll get everything, even the parts that you were awake for but
couldn't pay much attention to because you were concentrating on switching
discs, with just under two minutes of overlap at each disc change.  Of
course, since you'll be groggy during most of the operations, it could help
to write out the schedule on paper (auf Deutsch), keep it next to the
recorders, and cross steps out as you do them.

One tip that will save a few seconds more at switch time: make sure beforehand
that there is a TOC already written on each disc, if only by saving a disc
title.  It always takes longer to read the TOC of a virginal disc because
recorders recheck to make sure there really isn't any TOC yet; if there is a
TOC, it is read in right away.  That may not apply so much here, as the
schedule allows seventy-two minutes for each TOC read already.

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