=================BEGIN QUOTE==================================
Does it hurt my device if I record 9hours
without a break? Because there is a big DJ Event on a German
Radio station and I don't want to stay up till 5o'clock in the morning
for listening to it (I'll set my alarm clock for every 74mins:>)
I've the famous Sony MDS-JE510 (Japanese Version :>)
================END QUOTE===================================

I also find that DAT is a better option if you use a home deck equipped with
an SP-LP option. For these events, beg, borrow or buy one of these decks.
You then use a Maxell 180-minute DAT tape for the exercise and record on LP
mode for 6 hours of straight audio recording. Whenever the DAT has finished,
quickly switch over the tapes just after the DAT breaks into auto-rewind.

Now you can go through the DATs and digitally copy select cuts out of the
recordings onto MiniDiscs using your JE-510. The JE-510 has a sampling rate
conversion circuit in it and, if you looked at the SCMS diagram in the back
of your manual, it is therefore possible to make a digital recording from
this DAT recording. The recordings you will be making on the DAT if you are
using a consumer deck are marked "penultimate" and the MiniDiscs that you
make of the select cuts are marked as "final" recordings. This, as outlined
in Situation 2, is also true if you recorded a 32khx digital satellite feed
using a digital run.

For further information relating to DAT, I would suggest that you go to the
DAT-Heads mailing list home site and sign up to that mailing list. You may
hear of studios tossing out DAT gear or see some bargains for secondhand DAT
gear. For all machines, stick to decks made after the "DAT Pact" -- these
will be equipped with SCMS. Ask about their service history and look for any
repairer stickers on the deck and contact these repairers for an opinion on
it. I would steer clear of portables because they may have been subjected to

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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