From: Eric Woudenberg

> After listening to records again, and all the clicks,
> pops, and surface noise, I really can't understand
> what the far right audiophiles are talking about.
> How do they ignore all of vinyl's obvious flaws
> while simultaneously convincing themselves of its
> superiority!?
> (Alright, there *is* the nostalgia factor :-)

While I certainly prefer CDs, I find that a MD recording of a well cared for
LP pretty much eliminates the need to buy a CD replacement...where one is
available at all. Certainly the surface noise is plainly audible between
tracks but I don't find it at all objectionable because for 95% or
non-classical recordings, it's well masked during the tracks.

And that being said...after I finally took my few albums and many 12"
singles to my parents' to dub to MD (I have no turntable), I was pleasantly
surprised at how good vinyl can really sound. I was of the school that would
immediately copy vinyl to cassette after purchase so most of it had been
played fewer than a half-dozen times. And now I don't have to worry about
re-dubbing the cassettes if they get chewed. Utopia is mine. :-)


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