From: Stainless Steel Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: MD: Will MD Survive?

> * "Lou Paris Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Sun, 23 Jan 2000
> | I think if Sony wants MD to live in the "Internet Age" they need to make
> | unit with USB support that can take a MP3 data stream and do high speed
> | (4x-12x) data dumps. With some of the new products I have researched on
> | the MP3 world I might have made a bad decision going back to MD.
> Why?  I mean, MP3 audio is inferior to MD as far as quality is concerned,
> even at the highest coding rates.  Going from CD to MP3 to MD is just
> stupid if you ask me.

It's the old Betamax vs VHS argument again. Betamax was undoubtedly the
better format - smaller size tapes with higher quality pictures and sound,
and the tapes were slightly longer! VHS won because it had much better
marketing. I see MD vs MP3 heading the way Betamax and VHS did
unfortunately, with the free music and huge music selection available
(albeit illegally) making MP3 a more desirable system. People will wonder if
there is any point transferring their inferior quality MP3 files to MD,
because they wont *gain* anything in quality by doing so. I would love MD to
survive and squash MP3 to a pulp, but I honestly don't think it will,
because the illegal music trade on the net has pretty much ensured MP3 will
be the more tempting option to the consumer.

> Now, a faster means of dumping CD-DA tracks to MD would certainly be
> desirable.

Yes.... but will it be enough?

"Creativity is more a birthright than an acquisition, and the power of sound
is wisdom and understanding applied to the power of vibration."

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