>> - I don't want to get 30 different mails at once when I get home at
>> I want the few mails of my friends, 1 or 2 MD-L digests and that's it.
>> The less separate new mails I get, the happier I am. (Even if they get in
>> different folders) My habit.
>one digest is about the same as 30 individual emails, so you aren't
>saving anything and youare depriving yourself of ways to handle the 30
>emails because you can's sort a digest.

What really gets me angry, is that you permit yourself to judge my habits.
I suggest you to send some example of your everyday habits, and let us
judge them,
comment them, say how you can do better because of course WE know better.

When I check my mail usually I see "4 mails left to download" when I
haven't checked
my mail in a whole day, what does it tell me? It tells me that I have a
high probability
that in those 4 mails there is: a high probability of 1-2 MD digest AND a
high probability
that some friend of mine has wrote to me. Conclusion: I know even before it
has finished
downloading, that some friend wrote me. Can't do that when I get "40 mails
left to download". No big deal? Big deal TO ME. My habit. Dont need to have
you commenting on that. 

>You probably have it set up incorrectly.  Check the previous post I made
>regarding how to do it with Eudora.

Your previous post doesn't say anything about fetching mail that has
already been filtered
by another mailer. And don't bother looking for a solution (if there is
one) to prove your point, I won't change to individual messages.
>If the individual MD messages are sorted into an MD folder, you can
>delete the entire contents of the md folder the same way you do a
>digest.  You can also sort by subject, scan the subjects and delete

No, I have to: go to the MD folder, select the messages I want to delete
and then delete them.
Can't be bothered. No big deal? Big deal to ME blabla

>everything you aren't interested in and save the 3 or 4 messages you are
>interested in to read later.  You can't do that with a digest.

I do not care about reading later, I want everything deleted. And dont want
to bother taking
the steps to do so.

>>And if I didn't do that, I'd pretty soon have a huge
>> stack
>> of unread messages, and I don't want that.
>No one  does want that.

Well I WILL get such a stack, because I'm lazy person and it definitely
will happen that I won't
go in days to the MD folder.

>With individual messages, the mail program becomes your index.

Again, I want to delete the thing with a touch of the Del key, no more steps.

Oh and I know all of your arguments, yet I don't want to change. Other
people have wrote that they subscribe to several mailing lists and use for
each a different fetching mode, that obviously means that depending on the
list, on the wish of the subscriber, one mode or the other is the one that
suits their need.

Are you that bright, that you can imagine ALL situations involving a digest?

I play halflife, it happens often that I forget to close Eudora: with
digest mode, there
is little chance I start downloading one digest right when I'm playing
since I only get 1 or 2 digest in 24 hours. With un-digested mode, there is
GREAT chance that my mailer will start downloading 4 or 5 MD mails while I
play, hence killing my ping and me by the same way.

Please, STOP commenting our habits, you are *offending*.

You look like my 14 yr old cousin who *absolutely* has to be right and
*absolutely* won't admit he's wrong/partially wrong/a tad wrong/just a
little bit wrong no matter what.

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