Ok, I agree to you all...

What do you think of this ?

1- One advertisment for coupons or promotions by 2 weeks only... With a
simple subject : MD Sales USA for example. (Let's say on 1st and 15th of
each month only)

2- Simple signature with my 2 websites only at the end of my regular message
(message for anything except promotion or advertisement; to help the
community or anyone from the list).

3- Everyone who want to receive more coupons or advertising from our
company, simply subscribe to our mailing list on our website. It's fast and
easy; it's on our main web site.

So, do you think it's a good compromise ? I don't want that everyone on the
list hate me and my business so please let me know what do you think...

Best Regards, good evening you all...



<<If you do this once .... lets say every 2 weeks or better still once a
month, then that's ok with me. But since time seems to be critical since
your coupons seem to last only during a limited time, only solution is
kheops mailing list.>>

To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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