J. Coon wrote:

> Michael Stouffs wrote:
> > Please, STOP commenting our habits, you are *offending*.
> >
> > You look like my 14 yr old cousin who *absolutely* has to be right and
> > *absolutely* won't admit he's wrong/partially wrong/a tad wrong/just a
> > little bit wrong no matter what.
> You have never met me, how would you know what I look like? At least I
> don't stoop to personal attacks.  I took the time to inform people how
> to use individual email to their advantage.  Like the old saying goes,
> "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

No, you don't stoop to personal attacks, you rather attack whole groups of
people at once. Your courage is commendable. Your behavior is not, however.

Several people took the time to explain to you that what works best for you,
might not be the best solution for everyone. Yet you insist on shoving your
viewpoint down other peoples' throats over and over again. Many have
indicated that they do not wish to receive SPAM through the mailing list.
Yet because *you* like receiving these messages, they are supposed to go out
of their way to suit you.

Lastly, you *again* insult the intelligence of a person who pointed out why
(s)he prefers getting the digest by stating that (s)he must be doing
something wrong if (s)he can't filter the messages in Eudora.

Don't bother replying, you've been plonked.

Joost van de Griek
Applications Developer
Yacht ICT

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