Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

> Ahem.  FYI, Lincoln is a Ford Motor Company company, just like Mercury.
> (sigh)

NO KIDDING!  But in you constant effort to be contrary you failed to get my
point!  The Ford motor company manufactures Lincolns, but there are no Lincoln
models that can be directly compared to Fords.  The Mercury division manufactures
models that are identical to Ford models (except for some cosmetic changes).

The usually even share the same sheet metal.  But the Lincoln is totally
different from either the Ford or Mercury.  It just happens to be owned by the
Ford motor company.

Hey, why don't you tell us about yourself for a change instead of just
disagreeing with what everyone says?

Most list members know that I am a dentist and probably one of the oldest members
on the list.  They also know that I did some MD sales on the side a few year ago?

We know a little about Eric W.  His web page is an "open book" with pictures of
his cute son and beautiful wife, as well as himself.

Jim Coons is an engineer.  He also plays in a band.  Len Moskowitz is a recording
engineer and like me has been around for a while (I think that he has me beat by
a few years, but I could be wrong).  He also own Core Sound and is probably the
most knowledgeable person on the list when it comes to Microphones and placement
as well as cables.

I could go on.  So tell us about you, please.  I think that we would all like to
know more about you.  What do you do?  Are you a student? Are you older than that
and out in the real world?


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