The combustion of 40,000 gallons of aviation fuel, along with the  
design of the building and the impact damage did them in.  In fact,  
the buildings preformed quite well, considering they were designed to  
withstand the impact of a fully loaded 707, a much smaller plane.   
Should have ben designed for a 747, because they were flying then,  
but the design was old before construction started (no one wanted  
them, and in fact they were owned by the Port Authority, a government  
agency, because no one could figure out a way to make them  
profitable).  Those towers stood for HOURS with a big chunk of the  
main structural element broken and a major "heat event" going on  
inside.  Aviation fuel burns hot -- it wasn't just the contents as  
would be the case in a more normal building fire, although there was  
plenty of combustible material in there.

I don't think any current building would have stood indefinitely  
under those conditions -- a major failure in the main structural  
member (the outside skin) and steel softening heat.

There were problems -- if the stairwells had been concrete instead of  
4" drywall, likely nearly everyone would have gotten out, and the  
death toll would have been even lower that the 3500 or so it is.   
Remember, on a busy morning there are usually 50,000 or so people in  
those two towers, for more than 90% of the typical occupants to have  
escaped is astonishing.  The buildings would still have come down, I  
don't think you can build one that will withstand that kind of  
damage, even government owned.

Fire was indeed the major cause of the collapse, the last I heard.   
No steel structure that I know of has ever had an entire plane load  
of fuel burned inside it AFTER sustaining serious structural damage.   
You cannot build a building that will NOT collapse once one floor  
goes, there wouldn't be enough room inside to rent!  The fire, along  
with fairly fragile fire resistant coatings, heated the floor beams  
and attaching bolts until they sagged and the bolts failed.   
Eventually the load of collapsed flooring exceeded the strength of  
the exterior walls, the man structural element in the building, and a  
catastrophic failure and progressive collapse ensued.  Watch the  
videos of the collapse carefully, and you will see the exterior wall  
begin to explode outward, then the building come down.

On Jun 29, 2008, at 9:39 PM, Steve MacSween wrote:

> on 6/29/08 18:59, Alex Chamberlain at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> This is the weakness in Occam's razor, isn't it?  Other things being
>> equal, the simplest explanation is the best, but what's your
>> definition of "simplest"?  For me it is easier to accept that the
>> president and much of the federal government are totally incompetent
>> than that shadow forces of some kind within the executive branch
>> planned and carried out that kind of deception on such a massive
>> scale.
> Okay, someone -- preferably someone who believes the conclusions of  
> the 9/11
> Commission Report -- explain WTC 7 to me.
> And forget using the word fire, unless you have a compelling reason  
> to argue
> why this was the first steel-framed building in history to COLLAPSE  
> from
> fire damage, and not even an engulfing fire at that.
> Mac
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