My thoughts on the invasion of Iraq are simple. Saddam Hussien was trading oil 
in Euros. The American dollar is THE currency that oil is traded in, which 
makes it the WORLDS reserve currency. With Iraq selling oil in Euros, the 
threat of more OPEC members switching to the Euro and other currencies was 
immenent. We HAD to take him out or risk economic collapse. Iran has been 
planning an oil bourse (exchange) for several years now, to trade oil in Euros. 
Hence, all the sabre rattling against Iran currently. It has nothing to do with 
WMD or nukes or whatever. The Powers That Be probably figure the American 
people aren't smart enough to support a war based on this premise, so they came 
up with the wmd excuse for Iraq and the expanding nuclear program for Iran. No 
matter what figurehead/cheerleader resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, we will 
not be leaving Iraq anytime soon. Money makes the world go 'round.

A speach by Ron Paul. 

A Wiki on Irans Oil Bourse

A Wiki on Petrodollar warfare 

My 2ยข

Rick Knoble 
'85 300 CD
'87 190 DT

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