In a former life I fired a white, male GS13 for misconduct.  It was a very
clear-cut case of misconduct.  Anyway, this firing process took over two
years  for all the reviews and administrative hearings at the state and
Federal level.  I suspect that if I had changed jobs to a different location
(and couldn't appear at the hearings) he would have been reinstated.


On Apr 9, 2013, at 9:25 PM, Dieselhead wrote:

>> There is an inertial damper on getting poor employees out of government,
but there is also the up or out process that a few agencies practice.  If
you are unable to proceed up the ladder within a certain time period, you
get to leave.  Harsh, but effective.  Around Seattle area, the firefighters
are choosing to go out on disability than face forced retirement.  This
allows them to get a bit less each month, but it is all tax free.
>> clay

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