More to the point, in the last 5-10 years it seems like we as a society are 
placing far more significance to one's political affiliation as a measure of 
social norms.

When I was younger and especially as a child growing up in a very politically 
active household, I never experienced the vitriol of the likes that we see 

I wonder if it's not due to the various news organizations and talking heads 
that get the masses all whipped into a frenzy.  Especially those who cater to 
people who might be less educated and more susceptible to parroting ideas that 
are not of their own thought process.

It's one thing to have opposing views, but to disrespect another just because 
they think differently from you is something that I have a hard time 


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> On Jan 5, 2016, at 9:58 AM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes <> 
> wrote:
> What strikes me as interesting lately is the personal attacks on BO that the 
> right seems to think are totally okay to make, saying that he hates America 
> et al. I mean can't you disagree with somebody without calling them Mr. Poopy 
> pants?
> 8 years ago if you said Bush was an idiot you were "Against us" and "Giving 
> aid comfort to the enemy." (obscure literary joke) but not its totally okay 
> to call Obama all kinds of names. He is a person after all and while you 
> might disagree I find the name calling the biggest problem we have. How can 
> we expect the government to work when we the people spend most of our time 
> calling each other names. Its like a couple of drunks at a bar...
> -Curt
>      From: Curly McLain via Mercedes <>
> To: Mercedes Discussion List <> 
> Cc: Curly McLain <>
> Sent: Monday, January 4, 2016 9:11 PM
> Subject: [MBZ] the thug in chief
> Just shredded more of the bill of rights.
> By official edict of his royal asinineness, b.o., criminal  in chief.
> Will anyone be able to stand up to him?
> Lenin, junior, marches on.
> 1st amend ment is gone
> 2nd is gone
> 4th is gone
> power of the purse is gone.
> The phrase "living constitution" comes out of woody wilson's 1908 
> treatise on how to collapse the gooberment.
> shows how b.o. is wilson incarnate.  Both "progressive," both racist, 
> both with no real world experience.
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