I'll rebut it even though no point has been made. In the case of the
first graph it must be stated that just because two events occur
together and track in a similar fashion does not establish a cause and
effect relationship. It is an interesting and theory that increase
concentrations of Co2 can cause warming but the evidence is
circumstantial at best. The rise in Co2 in PPM is analogous to pissing
in the ocean to increase the salinity. The Y-axis on the second graph
and the lack of other data make it highly suspect of the fallacy of
lies, damn lies and statistics.  Temperature Anomaly, it looks like
scales were chosen to amplify a foregone conclusion.  The lack of
scientific rigor and fanatic hostility to other view points is
appalling. There are historic periods in the northern hemisphere were
temperature were higher than now. Let's keep the environment clean and
healthy, but try to avoid the hysteria and lemming like rush to hand
over to governments even more taxing and control authority over the
use of energy.

Bob D.
Parrish, FL

On 2/6/07, Lee Einer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
L. Mark Finch wrote:
> Rebut this:
> http://www.koshland-science-museum.org/exhibitgcc/historical03.jsp
> http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.A3.lrg.gif

Those temperatures were all recorded by lefties and environmental
wackos. I'm sure of it.


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