On Wed, 17 May 2000, Phil Davis wrote:
> Easy now... no one is going to get hurt. This is an idea, not a feature
> request.
> We already have:
> recentCards
> recentNames
> lockRecent
> Would it be useful to have any/all of these:
> recentDirectories (list of all directories that have been "the
> directory")
> recentFiles (list of all files that have been opened)
> recentURLs (list of all HTTP URLs that have been loaded/gotten)
There is the cachedUrls() function...
> recentSockets (list of all connections that have been
> accepted?/opened?)
> Some or all the above might need locking capability like "lockRecent".
What would you use any of these for?
> Phil
Scott Raney [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.metacard.com
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