Menarik membaca cuplikan wawancara dg para programer kernel Linux

Bagian yang perlu "direnungkan"

LJ: What are you doing with your life now? (occupation, family, etc.)
What's a typical day like in your life? How do you find time for work and
Linux, and how do you balance free software with the need to make a living
(or the need to become rich)? What do you do for fun?

Corey: I'm an system architect at a major communications equipment
supplier. I have a wife and two young kids. Most of my days are made up of
work, playing with kids, reading email, and writing a little code. I play
guitar at my church's youth group some days.

I don't get to do as much with Linux as I did before kids, although I get
to use it at work. Being an architect means I spend a lot more time
telling other people what to do and a lot less time doing stuff myself,
though. I have no great desire to be rich. If I become rich, so be it, but
that would mean more responsibility for me to handle it properly.


I Made Wiryana (0521-106 5328)            Universitas Gunadarma - Indonesia
Rechnernetze und Verteilte Systeme
Universitaet Bielelfeld                                   Check my e-zine :
Pendukung  Open Source Campus Agreement - legal, cerdik, mandiri dan hemat

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