On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Jon <jon.for...@gmail.com> wrote:


But "interpreting" or "implying" or "inferring" is not useful. Explicit
> clarification
> from Kai and JonY as mingw-w64 leaders is needed. I suspect one reason why
> this hasn't
> happened is that both already have too much on their plate and don't want
> to set the
> expectation that either will be responsible for implementing and
> maintaining an official
> toolchain like JonY appears (aweome) to be doing at
> http://cygwin.mirrors.pair.com/release/gcc4/
> The old speak-up-and-get-stuck-with-it paradox ;)

> Jon

Speak-up-and-get-stuck-with-it ;)

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