On 10.7.2013 8:58, Koehne Kai wrote:

> While the question about what current users are using is already hard to 
> answer, there's IMO a bigger one: What _potential_ users are there that 
> aren't already using mingw-w64 :) I started looking into mingw-w64 maybe a 
> year ago, only to find out that
>   - there's no 'official' installer/ toolchain
>   - there are a whole bunch of 'personal' builds & mingw-w64 derived projects
>   - different projects provide a myriad of different gcc versions x 
> architecture x exception handling mechanism x threading library combinations 
> (and again, little hints on what is the 'recommended' configuration for most 
> users).

(Disclaimer: Written not in an attempt to put you down, but in a hope 
such feedback is valuable for you.)

A bit off-topic but I can sign that too. I was using mingw for a long 
time and when I felt the need to also build my projects for x64, it
took me about _two_long_years_ until I finally switched from mingw 
(i.e., I was already quite close and the transition should be sooo 
easy), and when I finally did, it was only for x64 builds for another 
months. The reason for the long consideration was I was waiting for some 
"official" build/toolchain, thinking at that time you yourself (as a 
mingw-w64 team) do not consider it ready for general use until you have 

It is simply the matter of fact that newcomer does not know where to 
click to get basic info what he should download to get "something 
standard" when "he has no special requirements". Instead you place him 
in front of too many (potentially difficult) questions like "What is 
that exception type thing and what is the right for me?" or "What the 
hell is cross-compiling?" and (arguably worse) "Which developer of this 
project makes the best work in making the package?" or (probably the 
worst) "They cannot agree with one another so each of them need their 
own build? How can they work as a team?"

I do not say that not offering any option is the right way. But there 
should be something what is "default". And the "default" should be 
offered as that. It should be much more visible, and available in a 
click or two from the homepage. And last but not least, the "default" 
should not be tagged as a personal build. You should minimize the number 
of question he needs to answer to get "just some compiler to build my 
program with".

To summarize, IMO, mingw-w64, although technically as good as it is, 
emits bad signals to newcomers. Unfortunately, it has always been 
repelling for new users and, I believe, it is also the reason why 
mingw-builds (although also not ideal for sure) succeeded so easily. It 
simply filled the gap in the demand, which you never attempted to fill.

Best regards,

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