2013/7/10 Jon <jon.for...@gmail.com>:
>> > > While the question about what current users are using is already hard to 
>> > > answer, there's IMO a bigger one: What _potential_ users are there that 
>> > > aren't already using mingw-w64 :) I started looking into mingw-w64 maybe 
>> > > a year ago, only to find out that
>> > >   - there's no 'official' installer/ toolchain
>> > >   - there are a whole bunch of 'personal' builds & mingw-w64 derived 
>> > > projects
>> > >   - different projects provide a myriad of different gcc versions x 
>> > > architecture x exception handling mechanism x threading library 
>> > > combinations (and again, little hints on what is the 'recommended' 
>> > > configuration for most users).
>> > >
>> > ...SNIP...
>> >
>> > I do not say that not offering any option is the right way. But there
>> > should be something what is "default". And the "default" should be
>> > offered as that. It should be much more visible, and available in a
>> > click or two from the homepage. And last but not least, the "default"
>> > should not be tagged as a personal build. You should minimize the number
>> > of question he needs to answer to get "just some compiler to build my
>> > program with".
>> >
>> > To summarize, IMO, mingw-w64, although technically as good as it is,
>> > emits bad signals to newcomers. Unfortunately, it has always been
>> > repelling for new users and, I believe, it is also the reason why
>> > mingw-builds (although also not ideal for sure) succeeded so easily. It
>> > simply filled the gap in the demand, which you never attempted to fill.
>> I believe everyone will concur.
>> ...SNIP...
>> In any case we now have the question: what would be official or even
>> advised?
> This is not a technical issue. It's primarily a mingw-w64 project leadership 
> and
> simplification challenge.
> It's not helpful that neither Kai nor JonY has definitively weighed in on 
> whether
> an official mingw-w64 default toolchain makes sense. Actually, that's not 
> true.
> Awhile back Kai was very involved with announcing Ruben as the new build 
> release
> mgr. I interpreted Kai's actions to mean that he felt mingw-w64 needed a 
> maintained,
> official, easy-to-use default toolchain in addition to the automated testing 
> builds.

Well, I assumed I was clear about that already.  IMO it is absolutely
necessary that we (mingw-w64) are providing an official
toolchain-version, which we are recommenting.
To be clear here, those toolchain-releases aren't mingw-w64 releases.
The mingw-w64 releaes are just releases of our repository, not that of
combinations with other ventures.
And exactly this might be confusing here for some people.  A pre-build
toolchain release is always just "one" variant of a combination using
our stuff with other ventures.  That makes such releases so hard to be
marked as "recommented".
Nevertheless I agree completely that we have to provide such pre-build
toolchains, so that users have an easier access to our work.

> But "interpreting" or "implying" or "inferring" is not useful. Explicit 
> clarification
> from Kai and JonY as mingw-w64 leaders is needed. I suspect one reason why 
> this hasn't
> happened is that both already have too much on their plate and don't want to 
> set the
> expectation that either will be responsible for implementing and maintaining 
> an official
> toolchain like JonY appears (aweome) to be doing at 
> http://cygwin.mirrors.pair.com/release/gcc4/
> The old speak-up-and-get-stuck-with-it paradox ;)
> That's OK, and is why I believe the first step needs to be Kai/JonY saying 
> (a) "The
> mingw-w64 project needs an official, easy-to-use toolchain", (b) "Neither of 
> us
> have the bandwidth to implement/maintain it", and (c) "We're actively looking 
> for
> a new committer to take on this role. If this is going to happen and be 
> sustainable,
> we need your help."

a) yes, b) yes (we need people in charge for that and doing this
reliable), c) yes, we are actual in discussion with mingw-builds
venture to go together (and/or co-operate more closely).

> Or say "The current situation is fine; mingw-w64 doesn't need an official 
> toolchain."
No, we should provide Windows native pre-build toolchain
> Either way, make things crystal clear.
> If an official toolchain is important to mingw-w64 and someone has the 
> passion and
> time to take on the release mgr, the next step is rutheless simplification.
> For example, take Ruben's existing build infrastructure and morph a baseline 
> version
> (non buildbot automated) into the mingw-w64 repo. As a strawman to kick 
> about, is the
> following a good value-add first step? What else can be removed?
> 1) Build cross (Linux hosted) and non-cross (Windows hosted) on Linux as is
>    currently done. Add build-on-Windows support via MSYS/MSYS2 later. And
>    OS X hosted even later.
> 2) Keep existing C, C++, Fortran, Obj-C, and Obj-C++ language support.
> 3) Keep existing mingw32-make and python enabled GDB support.
> 4) Provide single target 32 and 64-bit compilers for only GCC 4.8.1
>    using Win32 threading with SEH or SJLJ. Other variants later.
> 5) Release binaries to a new "Official Builds" folder
> Two concerns. First, who's going to take on the release mgr role, and second, 
> does
> this add any real value above and beyond what mingwbuilds is already 
> providing?
> To help with the release mgr role, I strongly believe the toolchain build 
> process needs
> to be trivial to perform so that the role is easy to transition in and out 
> of. No one is
> going to step forward if the task is perceived as too onerous or requires a 
> long-term
> committment.
> Thoughts?
> Jon


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