Sigh, Theo. Seriously I am asking for your help to find out the issue as its 
unique to OpenBSD. Stop ranting away on the demerits of disabling apm (and now 
pci - right! wtf?!).  Like dude, have you never tried variations of anything 
except default bsd kernel? Why is tinkering (and not even permanent - just 
dmesg outputs) considered such an anathema? 

The world didn't collapse by disabling apm and neither did it work. Did I 
mention I tried the GENERIC.MP too? I am sure I did...oh right, a line below...

Look, I am looking for advice from devs like you on why this is happening? 
Please chill, I come in peace for christ sake! Telling me to ask them about AP 
(the only advice so far) is not a good question. 

Bruno Delbono
| Cognitive Researcher - Human Behavioural Project
| Real Sociedad Española De Antropología
| ☎: +1 855 253 5436 ☎: +1 424 354 4700

From: Theo de Raadt <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 5:13 PM
To: Bruno Delbono
Subject: Re: QEMU CPU cores not showing up

> As for why completely random disabling apm and acpi...rant by you and Theo...


Perhaps the solution you are looking for is:

    boot -c
    > disable pci*

You never know, it just might work.

We are not ranting.  We're telling you that you don't know what the
hell you are doing, and you are following bad advice.

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