my discussions with <support (at) openbsdstore (dot) com> were lengthy
(2014-10-06 - 20014-10-22) because I ordered two CD-Sets and wanted only
one to be shipped. This seemed to puzzle staff over there but no
problems with money transfer (via bank, SEPA) or shipping or anything...

Bye, Marcus (IMAP List Administration), 2015.04.11 (Sat) 15:01 (CEST):
> the following describes my experience ordering CDs from the
> As is apparently the only source for OpenBSD CDs these days, 
> I
> ordered two sets of v5.6 a while ago (December 2014).
> The order
> ------------
> The trouble began immediately. I chose electronic wire transfer as the payment
> method, but even though I had supplied my VAT-ID and indicated that I wished 
> to
> avoid paying VAT, there total included VAT and there was no way to remove it.
> I figured it was simpler to order and ask to have the VAT transferred back. I
> ordered, and sent a corresponding request.
> The Ticketing System
> ------------------------
> The store opened a ticket on my behalf (at least there *is* a ticketing 
> system),
> and I began to receive emails from the ticketing system. They mostly look 
> like this:
> > /Person's name/ just logged a message to a ticket in which you participate.
> >
> > [content of message]
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > /You're getting this email because you are a collaborator on ticket #229757
> > <>.
> > To participate, simply reply to this email or click here
> > <>
> > for a complete archive of the ticket thread./
> I cannot, however, "participate" by clicking on the link. The link is only for
> internal use.  So the system can't differentiate between support staff and
> customers....
> Bank Details
> ----------------
> I am requested to provide bank details. Fair enough. I provide my IBAN (int'l
> bank account number) and BIC/SWIFT (unique bank ID) details. These two items 
> are
> sufficient to transfer money *anywhere* within the EU (In fact, the IBAN alone
> is sufficient, as it contains the bank code). This is made possible by SEPA.
> From wikipedia:
> > The *Single Euro Payments Area* (*SEPA*) is a payment-integration initiative
> > of the European Union <> for
> > simplification of bank transfers denominated in euro
> > <>. As of February 2014, SEPA consists of 
> > the
> > 28 EU member states, the 4 members of the EFTA
> > <> (Iceland,
> > Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), Monaco and San Marino
> > <>
> IBAN/BIC Not Enough
> ----------------------------
> The response is:
> > I'm very sorry but our bank require your bank's address...
> That the bank demands my bank's address is pure rubbish.
> Transfer Costs More Than Refund
> --------------------------------------------
> The next missive from was:
> > Hopefully you should have received the ???15 sent by post - unfortunately 
> > we had
> > to send it in this way, as our bank wanted to charge us ???20 to send it to 
> > you
> > electronically!
> This can't be happening.... And in fact an envelope containing a 10 and a 5 
> euro
> note arrived somewhat later.
> Maybe OpenBSD should look for a European partner that can tell its bank what 
> to
> do, instead of the other way round?
> Rob Urban
> !DSPAM:55291bbc52771801260458!

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