On Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:38:07 +0200
IMAP List Administration wrote:

> based on assumption that own system is "best".
> How could anything be simpler than having A instruct A's bank to move funds to
> B's bank account?

Since I found this out I've always wanted the UK to do the same, this
'modern' payment system as I guess you think it is, is CRAP. Trusting
one banks website with your payment information has to be more secure
than the mess of using VISA etc. with a different interface on most
sites. Amazon doesn't even require the security code or didn't and many
sites store details sometimes without asking such as Steam (storing is
illegal in the U.S. I believe). Direct debits are a joke too as many
don't realise that you can and should put a limit on them rather than
writing a blank cheque under a 'Guarantee'. I've also had large
payments done twice on my company VISA which meant the card was declined
whilst out in London which wouldn't happen if the payer kept control,
like with cash. I certainly don't hand over my wallet and ask the
cashier to take the correct amount and then possibly get charged by the
bank for borrowing because the cashier took a twenty and not a tenna.

We still have to do bank transfers from time to time anyway too. I
presume that in OTHER parts of Europe!, outside the UK they have a
reasonably good method of securely verifying sort codes and account
numbers which UK banks should provide for more than just large

One startups website made an over the top apology for not offering
electronic card processing, which I guess means they had many over the
top complaints and had to comply for profit/PR reasons. I wonder what
the startup really thought but couldn't say publicly??

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